AADDASSI2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add an Assignment (Individual) Assignment - This field is the title of the assignment. You can use up to 35 characters here. More than one assignment can have the same information in this field. You can't leave this blank. Short Name - This field takes the Short Name of the person receiving the assignment. If you mistype the short name or leave the field blank and press Enter you will bring up a table of the short and long names of all valid people. Move the selector bar to the right person and press Enter. If this is a new person, you can add them to Delegator by pressing Ins. The short Select Other name field can't be left blank. Available Help Date Due When the assignment is due from the Add Assg. con't person getting it. This field uses Definitions a mm/dd/yy format and has today's date "How to as a default. This field can't be left Introduction blank. Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help AADDASSG2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add an Assignment (Group) Use this function to give the same assignment to several people at the same time. You must have created a group list made up of these people beforehand (use People and Groups). Assignment - This field is the title of the assignment. You can use up to 35 characters here. You can't leave this field blank. Group Name - The name of the group of people receiving this assignment. If you mistype the group name or leave the field blank and press Enter you will bring up a table of valid groups. Move the selector bar to the right group and press Enter. This field can't be left Select Other blank. Available Help Date Due When the assignment is due from the Add Assg. con't people getting it. This field uses Definitions a mm/dd/yy format and has today's date "How to as a default. This field can't be left Introduction blank. Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help AADDASS DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add an Assignment (Group 2) Priority - The importance of the assignment from 1 (most important) to 9 (least important). Default is 9. This field can't be left blank. Repeat - If this assignment is repeated regularly, choose Yes. You Assignment will be asked how often it is to be repeated. Default is NO Comments - Up to 400 characters of comments can be typed in this space. This field can be scrolled with cursor keys, the Enter key, or as text fills it. When you have finished typing comments, or to bypass Comments altogether press F3. Select Other Available Help Reminders - You can place up to 5 reminders in each assignment. These consist of a Reminder Add Assgn prev. Date (in mm/dd/yy format) and a Definitions Reminder Note of 40 characters. "How to Reminders show up on the Today's Report Introduction (Part 2) on the Reminder Date and Moving Around remain until cleared. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help AADDASS DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add an Assignment (Individual) 2 Priority - The importance of the assignment from 1 (most important) to 9 (least important). Default is 9. This field can't be left blank. Repeat - If this assignment is repeated regularly, choose YES. You Assignment will be asked how often it is repeated. Default is NO. Comments - Up to 400 characters of comments can be typed in this space. This field can be scrolled with cursor keys, the Enter key, or as text fills it. When you have finished typing comments, or to bypass Comments altogether press F3. Select Other Available Help Reminders - You can place up to 5 reminders in each assignment. These consist of a Reminder Add Assgn prev. Date (in mm/dd/yy format) and a Definitions Reminder Note of 40 characters. "How to Reminders show up on the Today's Report Introduction (Part 2) on the Reminder Date and Moving Around remain until cleared. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add Assignment Menu Before adding an assignment you must first choose whether it is for a single individual or for a group of people. For a Individual assignment, you must set up a record for each new individual before you put assignments to them. You can do that using People and Groups, or by pressing Enter on a blank Short Name field of the next form (Add an Assignment - Individual). With a Group assignment, Delegator saves you from entering the same assignment Select Other information for several people. To make a Available Help Group assignment, you must first set up a Group list. Again, you can do that Definitions using People and Groups, or by pressing "How to Enter on a blank Group Name field in the next Introduction form (Add an Assignment - Group). Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO * MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Create New Project Select Other You can use up to 20 characters as a Available Help name for your new project. Definitions The Add Assignment Menu will appear "How to to add the first Assignment to this Introduction project. Moving Around Press Esc to Exit Help Tips DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Upcoming Anniversaries Lists people's birthdays, company anniversaries or other events you want to track annually. You must enter the last day of the period you want to check. The day can't be more than one year after today or earlier than today. A scrollable list will appear with the Short Names of the people, the relevant Select Ohter date, and a brief note on the event. Available Help The list is in day of the year order. Definitions (e.g. Feb. 13, 1990 appears before Mar. 2 "How to 1989, but after Jan. 7, 1988). Introduction Moving Around Use , Pg Up, or Pg Dn to scroll. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definition Anniversary - People related dates that you wish to keep track of annually (e.g. birthdays, company anniversaries). You can enter up to 5 anniversary dates (with notes) for each person. Upcoming Anniversaries lists all the anniversaries with months and days occurring in the specified part of the year. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Archives - The Archive file contains data on closed Assignments. By storing closed Assignments in Archives, you speed up Delegator functions. Assignments in Archives are not accessed by Delegator. Retrieving from Archives, allows Delegator to access these Assignments again. Archives does NOT Backup Files. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Assigned - Date an Assignment was entered into Delegator. Date This date is recorded automatically. If the date the Assignment was given is different from when it was entered, you can change the Assigned Date using Change Assignment, Uses mm/dd/yy format. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Assignment - Any task or job you wish Delegator to keep track of. You can use up to 40 characters as the Assignment title. Full Assignment information also includes a Short Name, Due Date, Priority, Comments, Project, and Reminders. An Assigned Date and Close Date are created automatically by Delegator. Assignments are the foundation of Delegator. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help AUPDATASS DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Change/Delete Assignment Allows you to change any data on an assignment, or to delete the assignment data completely. You must enter the Short Name of the person repsonsible for the assignment. If you mistype, or leave it blank and press Enter, a look up table of valid people will appear. Highlight the right person and press Enter. All open and closed assignments for that person will appear with the newest assignments listed Press Enter for first. To change assignment data, highlight the Other Help Topics assignment and press Enter. The Assignment Data form will appear which you can edit. Assg. Data Form Definitions To delete all the assignmnet data, highlight and "How to press Enter. The Assignment Data form will Introduction appear. You must confirm deletion by pressing Moving Around Ctrl-Enter. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Close - An Assignment is closed when it is completed, suspended, or abandoned. Closed Assignments do not show up in any Today or Look Forward functions. A closed Assignment can be re-opened by deleting the Close Date (changing Assignment Data). Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Close Assignments When an assignment is completed, reassigned or terminated before its complete, it should be closed. A closed assignment doesn't show up in Look Forward or Today's functions. Unlike Delete, closed assignments stay available for History and Project Functions. Closing is done by placing a date in the Close Date field. You can close assignments from several screens by highlighting the relevant assignment and pressing Del. Today's date will be entered, closing the assignment. Select Other To use Close Assignment from Main Menu, Available Help enter the Short Name of the person repsonsible. If you mistype or leave it blank and press Enter, Definitions a look up table of valid people will appear. "How to __" All the open assignments for that person will Introduction appear. Select the assignment and press Del. To Moving Around reopen an Assignment, delete the Close Date field Tips using Change Assignment Data. Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Close - Date you close an Assignment with Delegator. Date This date is generated automatically. If the Assignment was actually finished on a different day, you can change the Close Date using Change Assignment. Today and Look Foward functions use this date to list open Assignments. Uses mm/dd/yy format. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Comments - Free form text that can be entered both for Assignments and Individuals. Up to 20 lines of up to 50 characters each can be included. These are displayed by scrolling or by printing. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help AANNDTDEF HHISTORY AARCHIVE IINDIVID AASSDATE & LLOOKFWD AASSGNMNT OOPEN CCLOSE PPRIORITY CCLOSEDTE PPROJDEF CCOMMENTS RRECORD DDELETE RREMIND DDUEDATE RREPEAT EENDDATE SSHORTNME FFIELD SSTRTDATE GGENERAL TTODAYDEF GGROUPS HELP - Delegator Definitions Highlight term (use ) and press Enter for details. ANNIVERSARIES HISTORY ARCHIVES (Store, Retrieve) INDIVIDUAL (Look Fwd, History) ASSIGNED DATE LOOK FORWARD ASSIGNMENT OPEN (Assignments) CLOSE (Assignments) PRIORITY CLOSE DATE PROJECT COMMENTS RECORD DELETE (Assignments, Etc.) REMINDERS DUE DATE REPEAT ASSIGNMENTS END DATE SHORT NAME FIELD START DATE GENERAL (Look Forward, History) TODAY (Screen/Print Reports) GROUP Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Delete - Removes an Assignment, Individual, Group or Project completely from Delegator files. Unlike Closing an Assignment, Deleting is permanent. Any data deleted must be completely re-entered to be used again. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Delete Project To delete a Project from the list of current projects type the name of the Project and press Enter. If you mistype or leave the space blank, a list of current projects will appear to choose from. You must confirm deletion by pressing Enter when requested to. Select Other Available Help Deleting a Project does not affect the assignments that were in it. Even Definitions the Project field in the assignment "How to data remains the same. To delete or Introduction change the Project field you must Moving Around change each assignment individually. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Due Date - The date an Assignment is due from the person it was assigned to. Due Date is a mandatory item for every assignment. It has the current system date (today) as a default. Due Date uses mm/dd/yy format. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions End Date - Last day of a period to be searched by Delegator. End Dates are used by Look Forward and History functions. End Date uses a mm/dd/yy format. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - View/Change Project Enter the name of the Project. If you misspell the name leave it blank, a look up table of current Projects will appear. Move Select Other the selector bar to the right Project Available Help and press Enter. Then select whether you want Project assignments listed by Definitions earliest Due Date or grouped by "How to Individual (required even if its a new Introduction Project). Moving Around Press Esc to Exit Help Tips HELP - Definitions Field - A single piece of information that is part of a larger record. E.g., Assignment Name Due Date, and Priority are all parts (fields) of the Assignment ( a record). Short Name is a field in both Assignment and Individual records. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions General - Refers to functions that cover assignments of everyone listed in Delegator. Opposite to functions that are limited a single Individual. Used with Look Forward and History. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS PPROJECT1 HELP - General Screens All these screen reports cover the assignments of all individuals. Screens limited to specific individuals are under People and Groups. Look Forward - Lists all open assignments that will come due on or before a specified date. Assignments can be listed in Due Date or Priority order. Projects - Lets you group and view assignments as part of larger projects. Project lists include both open and closed assignments due during a specified period. History - Lists all open and closed assignments Select Other that had due dates within a specified Available Help period. Although intended to cover past assignments, History will also Definitions display assignments due in the future "How to if period covered ends after today. Introduction Moving Around Esc and Ctrl-Esc will return you to Main Menu. Tips Projects Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Update Group Lists This form is used to change or delete a current Group or create a new Group. When creating a group, enter the new Group Name then the Short Names of the people you want in the Group. If you misspell a Short Name or leave the space blank and press Enter, a list of all Short Names will appear. Higlight the correct one and press Enter. Press Ctrl-Enter when you finish entering all the Short Names in the Group. Select Other Available Help To change the Group list, add or delete Short Names then press Ctrl- Definitions Enter. "How to Introduction Press Ctrl-Enter to confirm deletion Moving Around of the Group. Tips Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Current Groups A scrollable list of all Groups currently in Delegator. Groups are used to give the same assignment to several people at the same time. Each Group can have up to 20 people. Each person can be part of any number of Groups. To create a new Select Other Group, press Ins. To change an existing Available Help Group, move the selector bar to the Group and press Enter. You can remove Definitions a Group by moving the selector bar and "How to pressing Del. Deleting a group doesn't Introduction affect any assignment or individual Moving Around data. Use , Pg Up, and Pg Dn to Tips scroll. Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Current Groups Displays all existing Groups in DELEGATOR. To select an existing Group, highlight the Group name and press Enter. To create a new Group, press Ins. Select Other The screen form for creating Groups Available Help will appear. Definitions To change an existing Group, use "How to the ADD/UPDATE Groups choice from the Introduction PEOPLE and GROUPS Menu. Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Group - Several (up to 20) individuals that can be given the same Assignment at same time. The same person can be on many Group lists. Adding an Assignment to a Group adds the Assignment to each person on the Group list. Assignments added by a Group list are the same as those added normally. They must be closed, changed or deleted individually. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Add an Assignment From Main Menu: Select ADD an Assignment From Some Screens: When "To Add an Assignment, Press Ins" shows Press Ins. Choose whether assignment is for a Group or a single Individual. The Add Assignment form will appear. Fill in desired information and press Ctrl-Enter. If you enter anything in Comments, be sure to press F3 before Ctrl-Enter. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Add an Individual From Main Menu - Select PEOPLE and GROUPS. Select Add/Update Individual Data. Press Insert (Ins). From Table - Pres Ins. of Current Individuals The Individual Data form will appear. Fill in desired information and then press Ctrl-Enter. If you use the Comments section, press F3 before Ctrl-Enter. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Add an Assignment to a Project The Project must have already been created, then: To add a new Assignment to the Project: From Main Menu, select Look Forward, History, Projects. Select Project. Select Add/View/Change/Close Assignment for a Project Select the Project from the Table of Current Projects. Press Ins. Choose Individual or Group Assignment. Fill in the Assignment Data Form as desired and press Ctrl-Enter. To add an old Assignment to the Project: Select Change/Delete Assignment from Main Menu. Enter Short Name of the Individual with the Assignment and select the Assignment. Go to the Project field and enter the Project name. Press Ctrl-Enter when done. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Archive Closed Assignments From Main Menu, select Utilities. Select Store in Archives. Enter the End Date (any closed assignments with a Due Date before this date will be archived). Archiving takes a few minutes, don't disturb the process. NOTE: This is not a back up procedure. You must backup your data separately. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Change Assignment Data From Main Menu: Select Change/Delete Assignment. Enter the Short Name of the individual responsible for the Assignment. Highlight the Assignment and press Enter. The Assignment Data form will appear. Make your changes then press Ctrl-Enter. If you change the Comments, press F3 before pressing Ctrl-Enter. From Some Screens: When "To View/Change Full Assignment Data " shows. Highlight the Assignment and press Enter. The Assignment Data form will appear. Make your changes then press Ctrl-Enter. If you change the Comments, press F3 before pressing Ctrl-Enter. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Change Screen Colors From Main Menu, select Utilities. Choose Set Up. Choose Screen Colors. Select the Foreground Color first, then the Background Color. Delegator will then restart using new colors. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Create, Change or Delete a Group From Main Menu, select People and Groups. Choose Add/ Update Group List. Current groups table will appear. If Creating a NEW Group, press Ins. A blank Update Group Form will appear. Fill in the name of the group and up to twenty Short Names and press Ctrl-Enter. If Changing an EXISTING group, highlight the group and press Enter. The Update Group Form will appear. Make any changes and press Ctrl-Enter. If Deleting an EXISTING group, highlight the group and press Enter. The Update Group Form will appear. Confirm deletion by pressing Ctrl-Enter. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Group HELP - How to Change Data for an Individual From Main Menu, choose People and Groups. Select Add/ Update Individual Data. The Current Valid Individuals table appears. Select the right individual and press Enter. Change data in Individual Data Form and press Ctrl-Enter. If you have changed the Comments, press F3 before pressing Ctrl-Enter. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Close an Assignment From Main Menu: Select Close Assignment. Enter Short Name of Individual with the Assignment. Highlight the right Assignment and press Enter. From Some Screens: When "To Close Assignment, press Del" shows, highlight the Assignment and press Del. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Create a Project From Main Menu, select Look Forward, History, Projects. Choose Create a NEW Project. Enter a name for the Project. The Add Assignment Menu will appear for you to add the first Assignment to the Project. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Delete an Assignment From Main Menu, select Change/Delete Assignment. Enter Short Name of individual with the Assignment. Highlight the Assignment and press Del. The Assignment Data Form appears. Press Ctrl-Enter to confirm deletion. Note: Once you delete an assignment record it can't be recovered. Be sure. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Delete an Individual From Main Menu, choose People and Groups. Select Add/ Update Individual Data. The Current Valid Individuals table appears. Select the right individual and press Del. The Individual Data form appears. Press Ctrl-Enter to confirm deletion. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help Help - Delete a Project From Main Menu, select Look Forward, History, Projects. Select Projects, then select Delete an Existing Project. Enter the name of the project, if you know it. Otherwise press Enter on the blank space. A list of current projects will appear. Highlight the right project and press Enter. Note: Any open assignments that were part of the project will continue to be tracked by Delegator. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS Select Other Available Help Definitions "How to Introduction Moving Around Tips DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - History Screen (General) This screen shows all assignments that were or are due within the specified period. The assignments are listed by Due Date, Priority, or Individual responsible depending on your choice in the last screen. The Short Name of the individual, Due Date, Close Date Select Other (if any), and Priority are also Available Help listed. You can see or change all the data for any assignment by Definitions moving the selector bar to the "How to assignment and pressing Enter. Introduction Moving Around Use ,Pg Up, Pg Dn to scroll Tips through the tables. Press Esc to Exit DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - History (General) Assignment History - General - allows you to see all assignments that had or have a due date within a specific period. The period covered is not restricted to the past. You must enter the start and end dates (mm/dd/yy) of the period to be covered and whether you wish the assignment tables listed by due date, indi- vidual responsible, or priority. Select Other Available Help The scrollable tables that are displayed contain the name of Definitions the assignment, the short name "How to of the person responsible, the Introduction due date, close date, and Moving Around priority. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP , IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - General History Report Select Other Lists all the assignments of all Available Help individuals that were due in a specified period. Enter the start Definitions and end dates of the period to be "How to covered. Introduction Moving Around Tips Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP , IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Individual History Report Select Other Lists all the assignments of an Available Help individual that were due in a specified period. Enter the Short Definitions Name of the individual then the start "How to and end dates of the period to be Introduction covered. Moving Around Tips Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions History - Refers to several functions that search for Assignments that have a Due Date that falls between specified Start and End Dates. Usually, but not necessarily, these Assignments would have occurred in the past. History functions usually cover everyone (General) or are limited to one person (Individual). Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Order a Registered Version of Delegator Print the DELGATOR order form (ORDER.FRM file included in DLG11E.ZIP distribution file). Fill it out and mail with check or money order to: Madrigal Soft Tools Inc. 1290 Broad St. #201 Victoria, B.C. Canada, V8W 2A5 Credit card orders or corporate/government purchase orders may also be faxed to (604) 920-3912. HELP - "How to HELP - How to Print Reports From Main Menu, select Print Reports. Choose what type of Report you want. Depending on the type of Report, you will be asked for start and/or end dates, and list order. You must then choose whether to include Comments. Then select what printer/device you want to get the Report. Esc to exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Reopen a Closed Assignment From Main Menu, select CHANGE/DELETE an Assignment. Enter the Short Name of the individual who had the Assignment. Highlight the Assignment and press Enter. The Assignment Data Form will appear. Delete the date in the Closed on: field. Press Ctrl-Enter. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help How to Set up Repeat Assignments When Adding or Changing an Assignment, enter "Y" for Repeat Assignment. A small screen will appear prompting for the number of months or days between repeats of the assignments. You can't mix months and days for the repeat period. If you enter more than 0 months, you can't enter any days. The maximum period between repeats is 12 months or 366 days. Repeat assignments work by increasing the Due Date by the specified period each time you "close" the assignment. In fact, a Repeat Assignment is never actually closed. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Retrieve Assignments from Archives From Main Menu, select Utilities. Choose Retrieve from Archives. All Assignments in the Archives will added to regular Assignment file. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Review Past Assignments (General) From Main Menu, select Look Forward, History, Projects. Choose History. Enter the start and end dates for the period you want to review. Choose whether you want the assignments listed in Due Date order or in Priority order. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to Review Past Assignments (Individual) From Main Menu, select People and Groups. Choose Individual History. Enter the Short Name of the individual, the start and end dates of the period you want to review, and whether you want Assignments listed in Due Date or in Priority order. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to View Upcoming Annual Dates From Main Menu, select PEOPLE and GROUPS. Choose UPCOMING Annual Dates. Enter the end date of the period you want to view. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to view Assignments due in the future (General) From Main Menu, select Look Foward, History, Projects. Choose Look Forward. Enter the end date of the period you to look ahead and whether you want to list the Assignments in Due Date or Priority order. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to View Assignments Due in the Future (Individual) From Main Menu, select People and Groups. Choose Look Forward by Individual. Enter Short Name of individual, the end date of the period you want to look ahead, and whether you want the assignmets listed in Due Date or Priority order. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to view Project Assignments From Main Menu, select Look Forward, History, Projects. Choose Projects. Choose Add/View/Change/Close Select the project. Choose whether you want the assignments in Due Date order or grouped by individual. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - How to View Assignments and Reminders Due Now From Main Menu, select Today's Information. To view Reminders due today, press F3. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Individual History To list all assignments for one individual that were due in a specific period. Enter the Short Name of the person. If you Select Other mistype or leave the space blank and press Available Help Enter, a list of all valid Short Names will appear to select from. Definitions "How to Enter the first and last dates (mm/dd/yy) Introduction of the period you want covered. Then Moving Around select whether you want them listed by Tips Due Date or by Priority. Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Individual History Table This table lists all Assignments for the selected individual that had a Due Date between the specified start and end dates. Select Other Available Help To view or change the full data of an Assignment, move the selector bar to Definitions it and press Enter. "How to Introduction Use , Pg Up, Pg Dn to scroll. Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Individual - Refers to those functions that are limted to the Assignments of one person. There are several Individual Look Forward and History functions. Also refers to people listed in Delegator (e.g. "Valid Individuals) and information about a single person (Individual Data). Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help IINTRO2 DDEFINE "QHELP MMOVE TTIPS Introduction to DELEGATOR (1 of 5) Welcome to DELEGATOR. A few minutes reading this Introduction, will make using DELEGATOR easier. DELEGATOR was designed to help you manage people, assignments and your own valuable time. It helps you by: Tracking diverse/unrelated assignments given to many different people; Tracking your own immediate and long term assignments; Helping you manage projects with multiple assignments for many people; Creating a historical record that can be used for performance evaluations; Select Other Available Help Communicating your priorities to staff clearly; Intro con't Reminding you of important annual dates for your Definitions staff (job or company anniversary, appraisal dates, "How to birthdays) Moving Around Tips Select Intro con't to Continue Introduction Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help IINTRO3 IINTRO DDEFINE "QHELP MMOVE TTIPS Introduction to DELEGATOR continued (2 of 5) First, the HELP screens. DELEGATOR has a HELP screen for practically every screen or function. These are available by pressing F1. Also, detailed definitions of DELEGATOR terms and a detailed "How to" quide are available from most HELP screens. Simply move the selector bar in the box at the bottom right to the HELP function you want and press Enter. For HELP topics - like this one - that need more than one screen, the bottom right box will have a selection marked con't or prev. This way you can go back and forth between the pages. To leave HELP at anytime, press Esc. F1 will return you to the first HELP screen you called. Take a look soon at Tips and Moving Around to take Select Other full advantage of DELEGATOR. Available Help Intro con't Intro prev. Definitions "How to Moving Around continued Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help Tips IINTRO4 IINTRO2 DDEFINE "QHELP MMOVE TTIPS Introduction to DELEGATOR continued (3 of 5) Second, a few essential terms that you must know to use DELEGATOR. An Assignment is any task or job you want DELEGATOR to track. Every person tracked by DELEGATOR must have a Short Name. Each Short Name can have up to 10 characters and must be unique. First or last names, initials, and truncated names all work. When an Assignment has been finished or can- celled, you Close it (unfinished Assignments are open). Look Forward lists all open Assignments due before a specified date. History lists all Assignments (open and closed) that were due in specified period. Today functions list open Assignments and Reminders due before today's date (your system date). A Reminder is a short note that you set to appear before an Assignment comes due Select Other A Project is set of Assignments you want to be able Available Help track together. A Group is a list of several individuals that you want to give the same Assignment Intro con't to at the same time. Intro prev. Definitions More detailed definitions and many other terms used "How to by DELEGATOR are in Definitions. Moving Around Tips continued Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help IINTRO5 IINTRO3 DDEFINE "QHELP MMOVE TTIPS Introduction to DELEGATOR continued (4 of 5) DELELGATOR works through a series of descending menus and tables. Brief instructions for most menus and tables are shown on screen. More detailed instructions are availble by pressing F1. DELEGATOR uses the mm/dd/yy date format exclusively. You must also use this format when entering dates in DELEGATOR. The system date on your PC must be accurate for DELEGATOR to work. Use DOS to confirm or change your system date. You must first enter some basic information on individuals, projects, or groups before you can enter Select Other Assignments for them. This informaton is used for Available Help Look Up tables. These appear when you leave essential information blank, if what you enter is not Intro con't valid, or if there are only a few valid choices. Intro prev. Simply move the selector bar to the right entry and Definitions press Enter. Some look up tables allow you to add a "How to new individual or group directly to the table by Moving Around pressing Ins. Tips cont. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help IINTRO4 DDEFINE "QHELP MMOVE TTIPS Introduction to Delegator (5 of 5) DELEGATOR has a set of Utilities to assist you. One of these lets you change the color of your screen display. The default is set to mono- chrome, but you can change colors by selecting Set Colors from the Utilites. DELEGATOR also blanks your screen if you haven't press a key in 10 minutes. This feature helps reduce phosphor burn on your monitor. Pressing any key to restores your screen. Select Other Available Help Intro prev. Definitions "How to Moving Around Tips Esc to Exit F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Look Forward by Individual Lists all open assignments for a single person that are due before a specified date. Enter the Short Name of the person. If you mistype, or leave the space blank Select Other and press Enter, a list of all current Available Help people appears. Choose the right person by moving the selector bar and pressing Definitions Enter. "How to Introduction Enter the last day (mm/dd/yy) of the Moving Around period to be covered and then select the Tips listing order. Press Esc to Exit DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - General Look Forward Screen - Due Date This screen lists all open assignments due by the specified date. The Short Name, Due Date, and Priority are also listed. Assignments are listed from earliest to latest Due Date. You can scroll through the screen using , Pg Up, Pg Dn. To see the full information on an assign- ment or to change any of the data, move the Select Other selector bar to the assignment and press Available Help Enter. Definitions To add a new assignment, press Ins. "How to Introduction To close an assignment, move the selector Moving Around bar to it and press Del. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - General Look Forward Screen - Priority This screen lists all open assignments due by the specified date. The Short Name, Due Date, and Priority are also listed. Assignments are listed by Priority; 1 to 9. You can scroll through the screen using , Pg Up, Pg Dn. To see the full information on an assign- ment or to change any of the data, move the Select Other selector bar to the assignment and press Available Help Enter. Definitions To add a new assignment, just press Ins. "How to Introduction To close an assignment, move the selector Moving Around bar to it and press Del. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - General Look Forward Screen - Individuals This screen lists all open assignments due by the specified date. The Short Name, Due Date, and Priority are also listed. Assignments are listed by Individual. You can scroll through the screen using , Pg Up, Pg Dn. To see the full information on an assign- ment or to change any of the data, move the Select Other selector bar to the assignment and press Available Help Enter. Definitions To add a new assignment, just press Ins. "How to Introduction To close an assignment, move the selector Moving Around bar to it and press Del. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - General Look Forward Menu The General Look Forward lists all open assignments for all individuals that will be due by a date you specify. To use General Look Forward you must first specify the last day (mm/dd/yy) of the period you wish to cover. This date must Select Other be in the future. Available Help You must then choose whether to list Definitions the assignments by Due Date, Priority, "How to or Individual. Introduction Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP 5 IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Look Forward (General) Report Select Other Covers all open assignments that are due Available Help before a specified date. Enter the last day of the period to be reported. Select Definitions whether assignments are to be listed by Due "How to Date, Priority, or Individual Introduction Moving Around Tips Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE 5 "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Look Forward (Individual) Report Covers all open assignments for an individual Select Other that are due before a specified date. Enter Available Help the Short Name of the individual then enter the last day of the period to be reported. Definitions Select whether assignments are to be listed "How to in Due Date or Priority order. Introduction Moving Around Tips Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Look - Several screens and reports that list Forward Assignments that are due before a specified date and have not been closed (Open). Look Forward can be for a single person person (Individual) or for everyone in Delegator (General). Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help MMAINMENU DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Main Menu (2) People and - To create and change data about individuals; create and Groups change group lists; see any anniverary dates for people coming up; see look foward and history screens by individual. Print - To print equivalent of screens on hard copy with or Reports without Comments. Utilities - To change Delegator colors; Select Other archive and retrieve old data; Available Help rebuild file keys. Main Menu prev. Definitions "How to Introduction Moving Around Press Esc to Exit Help MMAINMEN2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Main Menu (1) Today's Report - Scrolling tables of assignments and reminders. Part 1 lists all open assignments due today or earlier. Part 2 (called from Part 1) lists all unacknowledged reminders due today or earlier. Add Assignment - Add an assignment for an individual or a group. Close - Marks as assignment as closed as of today's date. Assignment Assignment will no longer show up in Today's and Look Forward Screens and Reports. Select Other Change/Delete - Change any data in assignment or Available Help Assignment delete assignment altogether. Main Menu con't Look Forward, - Menu for choosing which of these Definitions History, types of assignment tables you "How to Projects wish to see. Introduction Moving Around Tips continue Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Moving Around in Delegator Delegator works through a pyramid of menus and screens starting with Main Menu. At each level, menu choices either carry out a task or provide more choices. You can always go back to previous menu or screen by pressing Ctrl and Esc at the same time (Ctrl-Esc). To go all the way back to Main Menu, press Shift and Esc together (Shift-Esc). Pressing Esc alone will move the cursor back one field unless you are on the first field, in which case you will return to the previous menu or screen. You must enter data for many Delegator functions. Press Ctrl and Enter at the same time (Ctrl-Enter) to put all the data on the screen into Delegator. (Note: If you have entered or changed Comments, you must press F3 before pressing Ctrl-Enter). , Page Up (Pg Up), Page Down (Pg Dn) can be used to scroll through fields, menus, and tables displayed on screen. These keys only scroll the Comments section when you are in it. You must use F3 to go below Comments or Esc to go back to previous fields. Typing the first letter of a menu item will move the cursor to it. If there are more than one item with the same first letter, it will alternate between them. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Open - Assignments that have not been Closed (ie. completed or suspended) are Open. Look Forward and Today functions only list Open Assignments. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - People and Groups Functions Menu Look Foward - Lists all the open assignments of one person that By Individual are due before a specified date. Assignments are listed by earliest due date or highest priority Add/Update - Allows you to put information on a new individual Individual into Delegator or to change individual information Data already in it. Add/Update - Allows you to create or change a Group list. Group Group Lists lists allow you to give the same assignment to several people at the same time. Select Other Upcoming - Displays any annualized dates Available Help Anniversaries for people (e.g. birthdays, eval- uations) coming up in a Definitions specified period. "How to Introduction Individual - List of all assignments for one Moving Around History person that were due during a Tips specified period. Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Current Vaild Individuals A scrollable list of all people currently entered in Delegator. To add a new person to Delegator, press Ins. To change information on a person, move the selector bar to the person and press Enter. To delete a person Select Other from Delegator, press Del. Note: Available Help Once you delete a person, you can't use Individual Look Forward or Definitions History functions for that person "How to until you add the person again. Introduction Use , Pg Up, Pg Dn to scroll Moving Around this table. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Priority - Importance of the Assignment on a scale from 1 (most important) to 9 (least important). 9 is the default for Priority. Many functions allow you to list Assignments in order of Priority. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help PPRNTREPT DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Print Reports continued General - Information on all assignments that had Due Dates in a History specified period, sorted by Priority or by Due Date. Individual - Same as General History, but limited to one person. History Then choose whether to include Comments in the Report. Finally, select which printer or device to send the report to. LPT1 - First parallel port (Default) LPT2 - Second parallel port Select Other COM1 - First serial port Available Help COM2 - Second serial port File - Disk File Print Rept prev Definitions For disk files you will be asked for the path and "How to name. For Today's Report you be asked for a second Introduction file name for the Reminders report. Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help PPRNTREP2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Print Reports Provides most of the information available from many Delegator tables, but on paper or disk file. First, choose the report subject you want. For some reports, a screen form will appear for more information. Today - Covers all open assignments and active reminders due on or Report before today. Look - Covers all open assignments due on or before a specififed date. Forward Can be sorted by Due Date, Priority, or Individual. General Select Other Look - Same as Look Forward General, but limited Available Help Forward to one person. Individual Print Rept con't Definitions Projects - Lists all assignments due within a specified "How to period for a Project. Assignments can be Introduction listed by Due Date or by Individual. Moving Around Tips Continued Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Project - Projects are groups of related Assignments that you wish to keep track of together. Assignments that are part of a Project can be tracked together. Assignments that are part of a Project are also listed independently using regular functions like Today's Information and Look Forward. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Project Menu To track related assignments as a group, use Project functions. While assignments added to a project will show up separately in any regular Delegator functions, you can also monitor and report them as a group. You create a project then add assignments to it. Select Create NEW Project. After entering a name for the new project, the Add Assignment menu appears to add the first Assignment for the project. Once the project is created, you can add, view, change or close Assignments in it. All current projects will appear. Select the right project. Then choose whether to list assignments by Due Date or Individual. From the Press Enter for table of assignments, press Ins to add or Enter Other Help Topics to change or Del to close an assignment. Definitions You can add an existing assignment to a project "How to by putting the name in the Project field using Introduction Change/Delete Assignment. Deleting a project does Moving Around not remove the project name from an assignment Tips record. Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Current Projects List Select Other These projects have Available Help been created. Move the selector bar to Definitions the one you want and "How to press Enter. Introduction Moving Around Press Esc to Exit Help Tips DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Project Report Lists all assignments in a Project that are due in a specified period. Enter the Project Name. If you mistype the Project Name or leave the space blank and press Enter, a list of current projects Select Other will appear. Highlight the correct one Available Help and press Enter. Then enter the start and end dates of the period. Select Definitions whether the assignments are to be listed "How to by due date or by individual. Introduction Moving Around Tips Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add/View/Change/Close Existing Project Assignments This screen lists all the Assignments of a Project. They are listed by individual assigned them or by earliest Due Date. The Table provides the Assignment name, the Short Name of the individual, the Due Date, and the Close Date (if any). To view the full Assignment Data or change any of it, move the selector bar to the assignment and press Enter. Select Other To Close any assignment, move the selector bar Available Help to it and press Del. Definitions To Add an Assignment to the Project, press Ins. "How to Introduction Moving Around Press Esc to Exit Help Tips AHADDASS OHORDLIC AHADDIND PHPRNTREP AHADDPROJ RHREOPEN AHARCHIVE RHRETRARC CHCHNGASS &!p RHRVHISTG CHCHNGGRO RHRVHISTI CHCHNGIND SHREPEAT CHCHNGCOL VHVWTODAY CHCLOSE VHVWLFGEN CHCHNGGRO VHVWLFIND CHCREPROJ VHVWPROJ DHDELASS VHVANNDTS DHCHNGGRO DHDELIND DHDELPROJ HELP - How to Add an Assignment Order Permanent License Add an Individual Print Reports Add Assignment to Project Reopen a Closed Assignment Archive Past Assignments Retrieve Assignments from Archives Change Assignment Data Review Past Assignments (General) Change a Group Review Past Assignments (Individual) Change Individual Data Set Up a Repeat Assignment Change Screen Colors View Assignments and Reminders Due Now Close an Assignment View Assignments Due In Future (General) Create a Group View Assignments Due In Future (Individ.) Create a Project View Project Assignments Delete an Assignment View Upcoming Annual Dates Delete a Group Delete an Individual Delete a Project Select Subject and Press Enter Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Record - A complete set of data that represents an Assignment, Individual, Project, or Group in Delegator. E.g., an Assignment record includes Assignment Name, Due Date, Priorities, Reminder Dates, etc. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help HELP - Definitions Reminders - Reminders are brief messages about an Assignment that show up in Today's Information on predetermined days. Reminders have a Date they appear and a Note of up to 40 characters. The Assignment, Short Name and Due Date appear with the Reminder for reference. Reminders continue to appear until you clear them. Once cleared, they are not part of the Assignment information. You can use up to 5 Reminders per Assignment. Reminder Dates use mm/dd/yy format. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Repeat Assignments The repeat assignment option automatically gives a new due date to the assignment each time you close it. Regular assignments such as weekly or monthly reports can tracked without reentering information. You can schedule the next assignment to come due set days or months after the current assignment is either closed or due. If you select these types of repeats, you will be asked how many days or months between repeats. You can also regularly schedule an assignment to come due on the same day of a same week of the Select Other month. E.g., third Tuesday of each month. Select Available Help which week of the month. DELEGATOR will use the same day of the week as the current assignment. Definitions "How to The type of repeat currently selected is displayed at Introduction the top. Use the selector bar to choose the type of Moving Around repeat Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Repeat - For assignments that recur regularly, such as Assignment monthly reports. Each time a repeat assignment is closed, a new Due Date is automatically entered accordingly its repeat instructions. You can specify set days or months after the Due Date or Close Date, or the same day on a set week of every month (e.g. second Tuesday) Note: There is only one record for the assignment, regardless of how many times it's repeated. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS Help - Set Colors Select the foreground color and then the background color. Some of the foreground colors won't Select Other display characters as bright. Available Help Experiment to get the best combination for you. Definitions "How to After your selection, Introduction Delegator is restarted with Moving Around the new colors. Tips Press Esc to Exit DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Valid Individuals Table This look up table contains the Short and Full Names of all individuals entered in Delegator. It appears whenever you the Short Name you entered doesn't match any in Delegator, or if you left the Short Name field blank and pressed Select Other Enter. Available Help To enter the Short Name in the last Definitions screen, move the selector bar to the "How to individual and press Enter Introduction Moving Around Use , Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Short - A short, unique set of letters used to identify Name each person with Assignments tracked by Delegator. Up to 10 characters can be used for a Short Name. You must enter someone's Short Name whenever you enter an Assignment. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help DDEFINE % "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS Help - Store in Archives Moves all closed assignments that were closed before a specified date to an inactive archive file. This Select Other speeds up the routine Available Help operation of Delegator. Definitions Specify the end date and press "How to Enter. Introduction Moving Around Archives are NOT backup files Tips Press Esc to Exit HELP - Definitions Start - The first day of a period to be covered by a Date History function. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help TTIPS2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE HELP - TIPS 1 of 4 Use "A" as a Short Name for yourself If you use Delegator to track your own assignments, you will likely have more assignments for yourself than for anyone else. By using "A" as your Short Name you can enter it quickly by simply pressing Enter twice on the Short Name field. Use Comments for phone numbers, addresses, etc. The Comments section of Individual Data screen is a quick and easy place to store and look up this Select Other type of information. Available Help Use more than one Assignment if you need more than Tips cont. 5 Reminders. Definitions "How to Delegator will accept duplicate assignments. Just Introduction re-enter the essential Assignment information, but Moving Around with the additional Reminders cont. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help TTIPS TTIPS3 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE HELP - TIPS continued 2 of 4 Use an Individual record to represent a Group. When you add a Group assignment, you create a separate assignment for each Indiviudal in the Group. You must deal with each assignment separately from then on. If you wish to monitor and close one assignment for the whole Group, you must use an Individual record to represent the group. (I.e. Add the Group's name to Delegator's list of Individuals). Make Backing Up Delegator a Repeat Assignment Select Other Use the Repeat Assignment feature to prompt you Available Help to make regular back ups. Tips prev. Tips cont. Definitions "How to Introduction Moving Around Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help TTIPS4 TTIPS2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE HELP - Tips continued 3 of 4 Use XCOPY to Back Up Delegator Data If your data files (.DAT,.MEM) are small enough to fit on a floppy disk, DOS's COPY or XCOPY will backup your data files faster than most back up utilities. Creating a .BAT file to automate the process will make it even faster. Back up your data files often. Also, be sure you have a copy of Delegator program files stored safely. Use Temporay Groups to Give the Same Assignment to More than One Person Creating a new Group is so easy, you should use one Select Other whenever you want to give the same Assignment to the Available Help more than one person. Create the temporay Group when you are adding the Group Assignment. After Tips con't. adding the Assignment, you can delete the Group any Tips prev. time. Definitions "How to Introduction F1 for Original Help Esc to Exit Help Moving Around TTIPS3 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE HELP - TIPS Continued 4 of 4 Use Task Switching With DELEGATOR DELEGATOR is even more convenient if you use it with task switching. Task switching allows you to move from one application to another by pressing a single "hot" key or icon. Select Other Available Help Tips prev. Definitions "How to Introduction Moving Around DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Today's Report (Screen) Today's Information has two parts. Part 1 - Assignments Due lists all open assignments due on today's date or earlier in order of priority. Short names of the person given the assignment and the due date (in mm/dd/yy format) are also displayed. You can scroll through the list using , Pg Up, or Pg Dn. You can see or change all the infor- mation of an assignment by highlighting it and pressing Enter. You can add an assignment while in this screen by pressing Ins (Insert). You can also close any assignment on this screen by highlighting it and pressing Del (Delete). Part 2 - Current Reminders is displayed by pressing F3. Any reminder (date and note) set for today or earlier will be displayed until cleared. The Select Other display includes assignment, short name and due date. Available Help Full assignment data can be viewed or changed by pressing Enter. You clear a reminder by highlighting Definitions it and pressing Del. Clearing reminders removes them "How to from the assignment record. Pressing Esc returns Introduction you to Part 1. Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help HELP - Definitions Today - The current system date of your computer. The system date must right for Delegator to work properly. Today's Information (Screen and Report) list all Open Assignments due on or before today. The Printed version also lists any current Reminders. Reminders can be accessed from the Screen version by pressing F3. Esc to Exit Help F1 for Original Help AUPDATASS DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Assignment Data Screen con't Closed On - Date (mm/dd/yy) the assignment was closed. If left blank assignment is considered open (ie. current). Project - Up to 20 characters as title to group related assignments together for monitoring or reports. Assigned On - Date (mm/dd/yy) the assignment was given on. Repeat - Is this a repeating assignment? If changed to Y, indicate Assignments how many months or days between repeats. Comments - Up to 400 characters for comments on Select Other the assignment. Press F3 when finished Available Help or to bypass comments. Assg. Data prev. Reminder - Date (mm/dd/yy) at which reminder Definitions Date appears on Today's Screen (Part 2). "How to Introduction Reminder - Up to 40 characters to describe Moving Around Note what the reminder is for. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help AUPDATAS2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Assignment Data Screen This screen is used to view or change assignment data, or to confirm de- letion of the assignment. It includes the Project field and the Assigned and Closed Dates as well as the fields found in the Add Assignment screens. For changes to be accepted or for the deletion to be confirmed you must press Ctrl-Enter. Assignment - Up to 35 characters can be used as the title of the assign- ment. This field can't be left blank. Due Date - Date (mm/dd/yy) the assignment is due on. This field can't be left blank. Select Other Available Help Short Name - Up to 10 characters identifying the person responsible for the assignment. Assg. Data con't. A look up table of valid people appears Definitions if mistyped or left blank. "How to Introduction Priority - Importance (1 is highest, 9 is lowest) Moving Around This field can't be left blank. Tips Continued Press Esc to Exit Help IUPDIND2 DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add/Update/Delete Individual Data Screen for entering a new person to Delegator, changing data for any person, or removing someone from Delegator. Short Name - A unique name of up to ten characters (e.g. inititials, first names) used to identify each person tracked by Delegator. Full Name - Up to 30 characters for the full name of the person. Title - Up to 30 characters for the title of the person. Phone - Area code and local phone number. Select Other Available Help Dates and - You can enter up to five dates Notes (mm/dd/yy) that are important for the Ind Data Cont'd person (birthday, start date with Definitions company/job) or you (date of last "How to appraisal). Each date can have a 40 Introduction character note with it. These dates Moving Around Tips Continued Press Esc to Exit Help IUPDIND DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Add/Update/Delete Individual Data continued Dates and - and notes will appear when you use the Upcoming Annual Notes Dates function. Comments - You have 13 lines to enter any comments or other free form information about the person. The lines will scroll as you enter information or with the keys. When you have finished or if you wish to bypass Comments, press F3. When Deleting a person from Delegator you will be Select Other prompted to confirm your request. Once deleted Available Help Individual Look Forward and History functions will not work for that person. The short name used on Ind. Data Prev. any Assignments, however, won't change. If you Definitions add the same person to Delegator again and use "How to exactly the same Short Name, the old Assignments Introduction will be included for the person. Moving Around Tips Press Esc to Exit Help DDEFINE "QHELP IINTRO MMOVE TTIPS HELP - Utilities Set - Allows you to change the foreground and background colors Colors of your display. Not all color combinations display enhanced characters. Store in - Large numbers of closed assignments in your assignment file Archives slows Delegator down. This command stores all assignments that were closed before a specified date in Archives. Retrieve - Before Delegator can use archived assignments you must first From retrieve all archived assignments from Archives Archives. Select Other Available Help Rebuild - On rare occaisons, the file keys may get File Keys corrupted. If Delegator suddenly starts Definitions showing information in strange order, "How to corrupted file keys is likley the cause. Introduction This command rebuilds the keys in the Moving Around right order. Tips Press Esc to Exit Help ADDASS ADDASSG1 ADDASSG2T ADDASSI2C ADDASSMN6 ADDPROJ 4 ANNDATESe ANNDTDEFL" ARCHIVE u$ ASSDATE ASSGNMNT CHANGASSg+ CLOSE CLOSEASSx2 CLOSEDTE COMMENTS DEFINE 9< DEFTEMP EA DELETE DELPROJ DUEDATE ENDDATE EXISPROJ-K FIELD %N GENERAL GENLSCRN GROUPFOR6W GROUPLISx[ GROUPNAM GROUPS HADDASS HADDIND fg HADDPROJ HARCHIVE n HCHNGASSVp HCHNGCOL HCHNGGRO HCHNGIND HCLOSE HCREPROJA~ HDELASS HDELIND V HDELPROJl HELPTEMP HIST2 > HISTGEN HISTGRPT HISTIRPTY HISTORY HORDLIC HOWTO HPRNTREP HREOPEN HREPEAT HRETRARC HRVHISTGN HRVHISTI( HVANNDTS HVWLFGEN HVWLFINDF HVWPROJ 1 HVWTODAY INDHIST B INDHIST2 INDIVID INTRO INTRO2 INTRO3 1 INTRO4 INTRO5 LFI c LKFWD1 LKFWD2 LKFWD3 LKFWDGEN LKFWGRPTa LKFWIRPT LOOKFWD MAINMEN2 MAINMENU MOVE OPEN W PEOPLE PEOPLELI8 PRIORITY7 PRNTREP2 PRNTREPT PROJDEF V PROJECT1~ PROJLISTG PROJRPT N PROJTABL QHELP ~# RECORD REMIND A+ REPASS %. REPEAT .3 SETCOLOR SHORTLIS SHORTNME9< STORARC %> STRTDATE TIPS GB TIPS2 TIPS3 TIPS4 }P TODAY 5S TODAYDEF UPDATAS2 UPDATASSsa UPDIND UPDIND2 Ol UTILS